Package-level declarations
Cluster scheduling policies. These may be passed to cuFuncSetAttribute or cuKernelSetAttribute (CUclusterSchedulingPolicy)
Compute Modes (CUcomputemode)
Event record flags (CUevent_record_flags)
Event wait flags (CUevent_wait_flags)
Execution Affinity Types (CUexecAffinityType)
Function properties (CUfunction_attribute)
Conditional node types (CUgraphConditionalNodeType)
Type annotations that can be applied to graph edges as part of CUgraphEdgeData. (CUgraphDependencyType)
CUDA Graph Update error types (CUgraphExecUpdateResult)
Flags for mapping and unmapping interop resources
Flags to register a graphics resource
Flags for instantiating a graph (CUgraphInstantiate_flags)
Graph instantiation results (CUgraphInstantiateResult)
Graph node types
CUDA Ipc Mem Flags (CUipcMem_flags)
Caching modes for dlcm
Cubin matching fallback strategies
Device code formats
Library options to be specified with cuLibraryLoadData() or cuLibraryLoadFromFile()
Specifies the memory protection flags for mapping.
Specifies compression attribute for an allocation.
Flag for requesting different optimal and required granularities for an allocation.
Flags for specifying particular handle types
Defines the allocation types available
CUDA Mem Attach Flags
Memory handle types
Memory types
Specifies the handle type for address range
CUDA Lazy Loading status (CUDA Lazy Loading status)
Flags for querying different granularities for a multicast object
Occupancy calculator flag
Shared memory carveout configurations. These may be passed to cuFuncSetAttribute or cuKernelSetAttribute (CUshared_carveout)
Shared memory configurations (CUsharedconfig)
Operations for cuStreamBatchMemOp (CUstreamBatchMemOpType)
Possible modes for stream capture thread interactions. For more details see cuStreamBeginCapture and cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode (CUstreamCaptureMode)
Possible stream capture statuses returned by cuStreamIsCapturing (CUstreamCaptureStatus)